About our series of HELP! books

Welcome to our website, where you can find out more about the series of Help! books aimed at helping you to solve problems you may be having with your dog. Our first four titles

Help! My Dog is Scared of Fireworks

Help! My Dog doesn't Travel well in the Car

Help! My Dog is Destroying the Garden

Help! My Dog has Canine Compulsive Disorder 

are all available from Amazon in both ebook and paperback format.

We have plenty of others planned; visit again for more details or keep an eye on our Facebook page Canine Books by Toni Shelbourne and Karen Bush for regular updates. We are publishing them in a low-priced digital form as well as a traditional paper edition, as it helps us to keep costs down for you, and available instantly, so that help is available to you whenever you need it, as soon as you need it.

"But I don't have an e-reader!"

Don't worry if you don't have a dedicated e-reader. Our books are all available from Amazon, and can be downloaded onto your PC, tablet, smartphone and all sorts of other gadgets as well as on an e-reader. Visit the Amazon front page and you will find a free app which you can download to enable you to do this - it is very simple and straightforward to do. You will find this facility has lots of advantages, since you will be able to read wherever you are - at home or while out and about - so that the information you need can be instantly at your fingertips, whenever you need it.

But ...

But if you really don't get on with gadgets and would prefer to have a paper copy, then you can ... our books are also available in paperback from Amazon, although you will have to wait for them to be delivered by post!

Information and advice whenever you need it, wherever you are!